Tag Archives: chuck david johnson

Inhumane Acts of Attorney Chuck David Johnson of Leesburg

Dr. Usha Jain, who is medical director for the Emergi-Care Medical Center for 31 years. Dr. Jain worked in the emergency room of a trauma hospital in Orlando and is an expert in the emergency medicine.

Dr. Jain owns a hotel in Clermont and was given a citation for the sign which had a grandfathered in status but the code officer went after the owner anyway.  Owner have an alleged fear of another Govt. agency collaborating with the Code Enforcement.

Special Master Chuck Johnson gave the order, regardless of the motion presented for an extension because of health reasons.

Owner feel that Chuck David Johnson who is the Special Master for the Lake County is biased due to  Indian owner of a small business. Owners also feel that Special Master Chuck David Johnson may have some collaboration with attorney Rick Strong who has a personal vendetta against Dr. Jain. Special Master Chuck Johnson may have done this inhumane acts due to connection with Rick Strong. Chuck David Johnson an attorney of Leesburg ignored the motion of Dr. Jain for conflict of interest.

Dr. Jain decided to run for the Governor of State of Florida for that reason and signed up after the hearing on May 18, 2016 in Lake County with Chuck David Johnson.


Proactive Dr. Usha Jain & Disqualification of Chuck David Johnson

Dr. Usha Jain is the medical director and her goal is to serve the medical needs of the community.

Dr. Jain was given a wrongful violation which was defended by Dr. Jain without an attorney.

Dr. Usha Jain decided to run for County Commissioner District 1 which is her community she has been serving for 30 years.

Special Master Chuck Johnson gave the order of:

  1. fine of $250 dollars fine for the structures which is unsafe which is totally wrong.
  2. Fine of $50 dollars a day for the sign which was already repaired but he wants it to be removed because Chuck David Johnson thinks he can be a dictator in America.
  3. Dr. Jain is proactive and will countless hours to prove that Special Master is biased and is influenced by Rick Strong whose goal is to hurt Dr. Jain whatever it takes.
  4. Dr. Jain is also running for Orange County Commissioner District 1.